All this while, greens growers with commercial climate-controlled greenhouses have been able to enjoy steady, regular production whether growing in soil or hydroponically, sheltered from the cool, the wind, the rains, the intense sun without worrying about the elements outdoors, the rampant weeds and grasses choking out plant growth, and the flea beetles chomping holes in the arugula and mustard greens in the fields. In their year-round controlled environment, plants live the life of Riley, like comfortably pampered condominium dwellers, fed by a steady diet of constant temperature and moisture, clockwork heat and light, and packaged soil or pumped-up water. Just how energy-efficient are their heating and cooling systems, anyway?
our field production is finally coming into its own as the greens pick up
natural sun, dew, rain, wind, and mineral-rich nutrients from the worked-up
organic soil. Now we’re in business. After
all, there’s nothing like the deep,
juicy, bold flavour and enhanced nourishment of field-grown, especially
fresh-picked from mineral-rich organic soil!
From earth to mouth in one day –
the healthiest way there is.